New Hampshire

Everything from family attractions and theme parks to the great outdoors awaits travelers, throughout New Hampshire. Rich in colonial legacy and artistic heritage, and boasting an unrivaled amount of wild space, New Hampshire is an ideal place for any vacation.
With its long history and colonial heritage, New Hampshire is home to an abundance of historic sites. These sites range from notable homes from the past to living history locations. The Robert Frost Farm State Historic Site in Derry preserves the home of the acclaimed poet whose writings are said to be the epitome of New England literature. Other sites include the Fort Constitution State Historic Site – famous for its spectacular views and colonial history – and Endicott Rock, where the names of colonial founders like John Endicott (former governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony) are inscribed. It is considered by some to be the oldest public monument in New England! Historic societies throughout New Hampshire dedicate both time and resources to preserving countless other sites in the state. Whether stepping into the world of Native Americans, the home of a colonial governor, or a local historical society, encountering the spirit and the storied lives of the Americans who lived in New Hampshire is a timeless experience.
Connecting with nature and exploring the outdoors is one of the best reasons to come to New Hampshire. There are 75 New Hampshire State Park properties that provide a variety of recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities. The park system includes beaches, campgrounds, historic sites, waysides, natural areas, a multitude of trails, and much more to explore. With 84% of the state covered in forest, more than 300 lakes and ponds, and numerous other habitats that are great for viewing wildlife, the nature enthusiast has countless options in New Hampshire. With a bit of luck and patience, the trekker or camper can hope to spot whales arcing over ocean waves, a deer poised by an apple tree, a bear snuffling the base of a tree for an edible morsel, or river otters cavorting in a mountain stream. Wildlife is one of New Hampshire's greatest natural resources. More than 300 species of vertebrates – fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians – live in the state and an additional 120 species occur as migrants. The magic of seeing an animal in its natural habitat is not an uncommon experience when exploring the wilds of New Hampshire.
New Hampshire also has a thriving local music and arts scene. Here, emerging acts perform in small venues and plays are put on in historic theaters, such as the Verizon Wireless Arena, the Currier Museum of Art, the Capitol Center, and the Stone Church, all of which bring music, art, and theater from around the world to New Hampshire.
And New Hampshire was made for road trips. From coastal roads that overlook crashing surf, to mountain roadways that wind through the Northeast's highest peaks, to historic routes that follow early Native American trails, New Hampshire's roads are undeniably scenic. Come explore the highways and byways, and discover what's just up the road: the timeless villages and fascinating small cities, rolling farmlands and deep green forests, soaring mountains and sparkling rivers, lakes, and ponds. Along the way lie countless historic sites, including New Hampshire’s famed collection of covered bridges. At one time there were over 10,000 covered bridges in the United States, and today 54 of the remaining 750 are located in New Hampshire. Located throughout the state, each bridge is unique to its town and design. Because of their beauty and the history behind them, covered bridges became the first type of historic structures specifically protected by state law in New Hampshire.
Of course, this is all just the beginning of what New Hampshire has to offer the eager traveler. Whether its enjoying the great outdoors, exploring the state’s historical and cultural bounty, or cruising through the verdant countryside, the options in New Hampshire are endless!